Project Development

In this page, I will: 
1) Briefly describe my team chemical device 
2) Show how the team planned, allocated the tasks, and executed the project. 
3) Document the entire design and build process of the chemical device and include videos, pictures, and screen captures of the processes. 
4) Include “Hero shot” of every milestone of the processes, example the part A that was 3D printed, part B that was laser-cut, electronics components moved/worked according to the program. Hero-shot is taken with the person-in-charge holding/working/making the parts. 
5) Include the name of the person who was in-charge of every part of the project. 
6) Document my individual contribution to this project. 
7) Provide the link to the page of the blog of my teammates. 
8) Describe problems encountered and how the team solved them. 
9) Include all the project design files as downloadable files. 
10) Embed the final prototype design file, i.e., the final fusion360 design file showing the entire prototype.
11) Type my Learning reflection on the overall project development.

1. Our team Chemical Device
In this section, I will briefly describe my team chemical device. Background With the rise of Covid-19 cases in Singapore, Covid-19 patients are often going in and out of the hospitals. Covid-19 are transmitted through high touch surfaces and door handles are very contaminated(not just with viruses as well as bacteria). Based on a study, high-touch surfaces have 14 different bacteria colonies on one door handlle and each colonies contains more than a million bacteria. Covid-19 is also transmitted on high touch surfaces hence it is important to keep our door handle sanitised always. How does it work? Once the door handle is used by the user, our device senses that the handle is used. After sensing, the device sprays alcohol onto the handle, thus sanitising it after every use. What it is. What problems will the chemical device solve?  Door handle sanitiser. It sanitises the door handle, thus reducing the risks and chances of covid19 or other diseases spreading. Hospitals are prone to covid19 cases, hence this door sanitizer is used in hospitals.

Below is the hand sketch of the chemical device. Final design
Outer casing
Top part

2. Team Planning, allocation, and execution In this section, I will list down my team member's name and their respective roles (CEO, CFO, COO, CSO) CEO - Jasmine Chan 
CFO - How Weng Yan 
COO - Mohammad Hariz  
CSO - Glenn Khoo  
Tech Support - Tristan Neo
I will show the finalized BOM (BILL OF MATERIALS) table. 

I will show the finalized Gantt chart (planned and actual) and the tasks allocation for each team member.

3.Design and Build Process In this section, I will provide documentation of the design and build process.
Part 1. Design and constructing cardboard prototype (done by EVERYONE).
We decided to first do our prototype with cardboard first to test out the dimensions. Building a “prototype” for our prototype. We first settled on the dimensions we deemed were suitable.
Afterwards we started on the cardboard prototype. Step 1: Cutting and drawing out the outer casing

Afterwards we started on the cardboard prototype. 

Step 1: Cutting and drawing out the outer casing

Step 2: Cutting and drawing out the tank

Step 3: Assembling the tank

Step 4: Cutting and drawing of top casing

Step5: Assembling the top casing

(straw inserted to mimic tube to transport alcohol)

Step6: Inserting Arduino into outer tank and taking notes of changes that had to be made

Part 2. Design of Outer box and Tank CAD (done by Jasmine)

Part 3. Design of Top Cover CAD (done by ME, Weng Yan).

Documentation for task 3 Top cover Step 1: Select the top most part of the tank and “Create Sketch”

Step 2: Hide the body of the tank and the outer casing. Select “Create” and “Rectangle”. Values input: 166mm x 136mm

Step 3: Select “Create”, “rectangle”, “Center-rectangle” at the center point. Values Input: 100mm x 60mm

Step 4: Select “Create”,  “line”, “construction mode” At the center point of the bottom of the sketch. Values Input: 23mm Step 5: Select “Create”, “rectangle”, “center rectangle”
Values input: 140mm x 20 mm
Note: Remember to deconstruct the construction lines
Step 6: Select “Finish Sketch”. Select figure as shown below, and extrude: 3mm Step 7: Click on the top layer of the body, and select “Create”, “Sketch” Step 8: Select “Create”, “Rectangle”. Values Input: 166mm x 136mm Step 9: Select “offset” Values Input: 3mm Step 10: Select on “Finish Sketch” and Select on the outer edge of the created sketch. Step 11: Select “Extrude”. Value input: 30mm Step 12: Select on the top layer edge Step 13: Select “Create”, “rectangle”. Value Input: 166mm x 36mm Step 14: Select “Finish Sketch” and select the finished sketch

Step 14: Select “Finish Sketch” and select the finished sketch

Step 15: Select “Extrude”. Value input: 3mm Finalised Top View:

  • Hero shot for task 3.

For our laser cutting, since our product is mostly made out of boxes … we used a website instead of converting them individually to DXF files. (recommended by DR NOEL)

Part 4. Printing of Tank (done by Glenn) Part 5. Design and printing of nozzle (done by Hariz) Part 6. Programming of LED, Infrared sensor, Servo and Pump (done by Tristan) Part 7. Assembling of everything Step 1: Layout the outer casing Step 2: Glue the outer casing together and use tape to secure it Step 3: Super glue acrylic sheet to tank (Mr DIY) Step 4: Glue the top part together and use tape to secure it Step 5: Piece it all together Video of us piecing it together


Hero shot with finalised DOOR SANITISER

Final product in action 4.Problems and solutions

In this section I will describe the problems encountered in the design and build process and how the team solved them.

  • Problem 1 and how we solved it Problem: Tank was leaking and flimsy Solution: To resolve this, We reprinted the tank using a different infill pattern. Pattern: (tri-hexaagonal) as it is stronger when compared to grid infill density. We also used the ultimaker to print. The new tank would be the one in red you see above.

    OG tank: Video of it leaking

    • Problem 2 and how we solved it

    Problem: The volume of alcohol (water) that is pumped out by the tank was too much to the point it splattered. Solution: Lower the operation time of the pump as the capacity of the pump cannot be changed. This will decrease the volume of alcohol being pumped out. Video:

    • Problem 3 and how we solved it

    Problem: The opening of the interface and the most top layer is not aligned to each other.
    Solution: Was not solved as it did not affect the process and it was more of a design issue.

5. Project Design Files as downloadable files 6.Below is my Learning Reflection on the overall Project Development. This experience was a fun and enriching one. Compared to ICPD there are a lot more skills we could make use of to create our prototypes. One example would be laser cutting where we needed to book our slots day before the day we want to cut it as the slots were always so full. We even used the cardboard skills in ICPD to make a prototype of our prototype. I also learnt that communication is very important and it is vital to keep all members in the loop. This will ensure the entire group is at the same pace. I also learnt that SIMLIM was my second home as I went there 4 times in a span of 3 days and I think the uncle at the shop recognizes me already. Time to get a job at SIMLIM.


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